About Us


Baba Long Term Care Management, Inc.
Smarter Chronic Care Management to advance your practice & patient health.

Baba LTC provides physician offices an integrated concierge service to seniors through Medicare or Medicare HMO’s. Baba LTC allows your office to bill for chronic care management (CCM) such as care coordination, referral management, prior authorizations, patient assistance programs, disease education and more. Even though we offer a variety of services you have the option to choose one or multiple services depending on your needs.

Senior Care Integration for Primary Care Practices, Developed by Primary Care Physicians.

Empower Primary Care. Empower Seniors.

As a primary care physician for over two decades, Baba LTC’s founder experienced the ups and downs of healthcare and its increasing challenges and impossible expectations without proper tools or checks and balances in the system. Like you, she struggled every single day with key challenges like:

High-acuity patients with poor understanding of their health conditions and our nstructions (i.e., how to complete blood work and radiology etc.), as well as non-compliance with medication and lack of timely follow up with us.

Seniors with a lack of financial resources, social support, transportation or knowledge to acquire appointments or navigate healthcare.

Struggling staff with larger workloads that are out-of-scope for the office but still need to be done to help the seniors, like prior authorizations, patient assistance programs, and chasing specialist offices.

Highly ambitious expectations of reduction of cost, high HEDIS measures and MRA scores from insurance companies without proper system or financial compensation.

Additional obstacles to all of the above hard work are fee schedule cuts and increased need of staffing.

Immediate Revenue & Workload Reduction!

A primary care-focused chronic care management can solve at least 50% of the above problems and still give primary care practices additional revenue while reducing office workload.

Primary care-focused CCM/BHI/RPM can solve many of your day to day problems and still can give you a cushion of cash to help you and your practice while reducing your office staff workload.

For every 100 patients enrolled in our program we bring in close to $20,000 – $40,000 annually to your practice.Calculate the stress relief it could bring to your team if we can help you with some of the time consuming patients and high risk patients.

We collect the times spent by the provider and MA on all enrolled patients and provide billable episodes. We do not charge any fees for that, it’s all yours!

Calculate time and money savings that accrue to you if we could provide.

Free and paid help to achieve your HEDIS/ACO/MSO needs!

Calculate time and money saving if we could provide Free and compensated help to improve your MRA scores and what it could do for your overall bonuses and ACO shared savings!